Narrow hallways:. If the installation direction is crosswise to e.g. a narrow hallway, you can prevent the boards from changing shape by cutting the base veneer of every board at two or three points. These cuts should be made diagonally at a 45-degree angle either by using a saw or carpet knife and should not exceed the veneer’s thickness. In a narrow hallway, you should make an end joint for every third row of boards at a minimum.
Removing the locking edge. When installing a board, if you cannot tilt it lengthwise or width-wise, you should remove the locking edge from the length required using a chisel or other tool and install it by sliding it horizontally. In these cases, you should apply glue to the tongue-and-groove structure. These situations may arise when fitting the last board of a row, when installing boards underneath radiators or stairs, and under door frames or thresholds.
Installing boards under radiators. The short sides of boards can be fixed into place by sliding them from the side and tapping from the side with a hitting block when the boards are laid out evenly on the subfloor. In these cases, in order to attach the side tongue-and-groove structure, it must be possible to lift the edge of the board 2 to 3 cm to fix the structure into place.
Covering details. All strips, skirtings and thresholds should be fixed into place so that the floor functions as a floating floor. We do not recommend using sealing compounds for expansion joints and strip fastening because of their low elasticity. Similarly, you should not place cables, antenna wires etc. inside the expansion joints.
Installation direction. You can also install the tongue-and-groove floor “backwards”, with regard to the tongue-and-groove structure on the side as well as the end. This makes it possible to install parquet board around kitchen equipment.